Product Updates / Newsletters
User feedback shows PeriCoach® improves sexual function in women23 November 2015
Survey of PeriCoach users also reported increased sexual satisfaction after using the device to treat their stress urinary incontinence.
PeriCoach® Clinical Marketing Activity Update24 June 2015
Analytica is pleased to update shareholders with recent international marketing successes.
Analytica Provides Interim Update on Sales Performance4 June 2015
• Encouraging early growth in sales direct to consumers
• Clinician support driving increased adoption -
PeriCoach Shareholder Update Newsletter7 May 2015
Analytica is pleased to present the latest PeriCoach Shareholder Update which is being mailed to shareholders today.
PeriCoach Social Media Update18 February 2015
Analytica is pleased to provide the following update detailing the latest additions to the PeriCoach social media campaign.
PeriCoach Social Media Update2 February 2015
Analytica ramps up PeriCoach social media campaign with the release of the Apple App.
PeriCoach Social Media Marketing Update24 December 2014
Analytica presents an update on PeriCoach activity in Social Media.
PeriCoach Update17 December 2014
Analytica ramps up PeriCoach marketing campaign. Apple app under App Store review. Highly targeted online PR and advertising campaign commences. Clinical trial to begin recruitment next month.
PeriCoach Marketing and Sales Update17 September 2014
Analytica provides this update on preparations for the general release of the Dual-OS PeriCoach product in October.
PeriCoach Shareholder Update4 September 2014
Analytica is pleased to provide you with a PeriCoach progress update.
PeriCoach Shareholder Update2 July 2014
PeriCoach Progress Update23 May 2014
An update on progress and next steps, including an explanation of the upcoming PeriCoach Controlled Market Release.
Shareholder PeriCoach Update Newsletter8 April 2014
PeriCoach Marketing Activity Update1 April 2014
An update on PeriCoach marketing activity from the CEO.
PeriCoach Product Development Update31 March 2014
An update on PeriCoach product development progress from the CEO.
December Shareholder Newsletter19 December 2013
Analytica presents the final shareholder newsletter for 2013.
PeriCoach Update Newsletter30 September 2013
PeriCoach Progress Update.
Chairman's Letter to Shareholders and PeriCoach Newsletter25 July 2013
A letter from the Chairman updating shareholders on AutoStart product sales, our efforts to improve shareholder communication and introducing the PeriCoach system.
Update On Sales And Marketing Of Analytica Limited And Medical Australia Limited’s FirstFlow Burette.15 November 2012